

美国MARK-10 新款测力计

日期:2024-08-31 00:18
美国MARK-10 新款测力计Series 4系列
Series 4系列特点:
3,000 Hz sampling rate
USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo, and analog outputs
±0.2% accuracy
50 point data memory and statistics
Reversible housing and display
Replaces Series EG

Series 4 digital force gauges are designed for tension and compression force testing in numerous applications across virtually every industry, with capacities from 0.12 lb to 500 lb (0.5 N to 2500 N). The gauges feature a sampling rate of 3,000 Hz, producing accurate results under a wide range of test conditions. Accuracy is ±0.2% of full scale ±1 digit, and resolution is 1/2000. A large, backlit graphics LCD displays large, legible characters, while the simple menu navigation allows for quick access to the gauges’ many features and configurable parameters. Data can be transferred to a PC or other data collector via USB, RS-232, Mitutoyo (Digimatic), or analog outputs.
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