
  • 产品名称:XL-1000A/XL-1500AUV紫外固化箱

  • 产品型号:XL-1000A/XL-1500AUV
  • 产品厂商:美国SPECTROLINE
  • 产品价格:0
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XL-1000A/XL-1500AUV紫外固化箱models XL-1000A and XL-1500A are ideal for UV curing. These fully-enclosed UV chambers can be programmed to deliver a precise dose of UV onto the work surface

The Spectroline. models XL-1000A and XL-1500A are ideal for UV curing. These fully-enclosed UV chambers can be programmed to deliver a precise dose of UV onto the work surface.

A built-in timer can also allow the unit to operate at full power for a specific amount ot time. A hinged swing-down door protects the end-user from accidental UV exposure. If the door is opened while the unit is on, the safety interlock immediately shuts the unit off. The XL-1000A typically delivers 2500-3100 uw/cm2 at the work surface. The XL-1500A typically delivers 4300-5000 uw/cm2


Intensity (typical)2500-3100 µW/cm²4300-5000 µW/cm²
Overall Housing
19.5W X 10.5H X 9"D
(49.5W X 26.7H X 22.9cmD)
24W X 10.5H X14"D
(46.4W X 15.9H X 31.8cmD)
Inner Chamber
13.5W X 7H X 7.5"D
(34.3W X 17.8H X 19.1cmD)
18.25W X 6.25H X 12.5"D
(46.4W X 15.9H X 31.8cmD)
Weight17.5 lbs.
26 lbs.
(5) 8-watt 254nm UV tubes
(5) 8-watt 312nm UV Tubes
(5) 8-watt 365nm UV Tubes
(6) 15-watt 254nm UV tubes
(6) 15-watt 312nm UV tubes
(6) 15-watt 365nm UV tubes

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